*SIGH* From left to right: Falkor the Luckdragon, Seraphimera (original character), Rorschach, Samus Aran, and Daredevil.
A note on Falkor-
I am not a fan of Neverending Story. The movie scared me. I was too young. Hated lightning. All I understood was the stupid book was connected to the lightning, and that kid kept fucking with the book and I was like, "I'm done." I have NO idea how Falkor wound up on a slip of paper.
A note on Falkor-
I am not a fan of Neverending Story. The movie scared me. I was too young. Hated lightning. All I understood was the stupid book was connected to the lightning, and that kid kept fucking with the book and I was like, "I'm done." I have NO idea how Falkor wound up on a slip of paper.